Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Best Friend Poem:

A classmate read aloud a poem that he admired, about a girl, who's best friend calls her every Sunday, and our teacher suggested that we should write one too, so I did.

We started talking 6 months ago,
and I never thought it would end up like this... 
such tender bliss
I never thought I would get to know you, but I did
when you told me that you were coming over, I ran and hid.
Butterflies, butterflies.
Everywhere I walked, I never thought that it would end up like this
you made me want to crawl.
You pulled into the parking lot, I swear I could hear your footsteps from a mile away
Not one awkward moment, not one scary scene
we both believed that we were meant to be
I felt like I was floating, you did that Dylan, 
I think you are my poison
When I first saw you, I thought I couldn't breathe
your kindness, your sweetness, hun you had it all
I never thought it would end up like this,
babe you caused it all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Read a Riff

I wrote this, earlier in class today because Aileen read a poem she wrote that inspired me to write one too. I wrote this about a drummer, (my boyfriend,) and I wanted to share it with you all:

The pulse in his head,
The pulse in his head,
Anxiety started to set in
but he knew he could win
he just barely made it on stage,
ready to engage
the domination on his drum set.
He blew everyones minds,
it wasn't the first time
but he took everyones hearts
and tried to impress the best
and he started to march on the double bass.
He played,
he played,
so powerful and loud
so powerful and loud
he loves what he does
he got it from above
he goes to a whole new world
the moment the beat quit
he felt legit, and everyone rose
and screamed with piercing cheers.
Feeling high above the clouds
no longer close to sane.
Nothing could beat the feeling
The pulse in his head,
the pulse in his head,
he could hardly believe it
as he glided off the stage,
and hoped with desperation.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This man.. this man who inspired millions.. this man that will never be forgotten til the world is no longer existent.
Remember his creations, his way of thinking was unique and creative.
No one else will ever be like him.
 His inventions were remarkable, different, and indescribable.
Remember his technology.
Remember his life.
Remember his last words.
He will never be forgotten.
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." - Steve Jobs